Brave Passes 5 Million Downloads

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The Cryptocurrency-powered browser Brave downloads on the play store is increasing. They just surpassed 5 million!

What is Brave?

An ad-blocking mobile browser founded by Brendan Eich. They have had an extremely rapid growth with some amazing partnerships. This goes to include Dow Jones Media Group for starters.

Not only is it getting rapid growth but they are seeing extremely popular news coverage as well. On a 60 minutes episode Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman used the app. For this they received a cameo.

So how does it exactly work?

The brave browser blocks ads and rewards publishers for producing content with the Platform’s token. After some time brave will allow users to opt into non-intrusive advertising which in exchange, they will receive a portion of the revenue.

They currently claim there are 2.3 million monthly active users with 14,000 verified publishers.

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