Watch Out!.. Facebook Messenger Viruses.

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Hackers and the lowlifes are at it again. This time a chrome extension that was changed to target cryptocurrency exchanges. The name is “FaceXWorm”. TrendMicro has said “the malicious extension’s capabilities “were made over” to steal user credentials for Google, MyMonero, and Coinhive; in sum, it promotes a scam that dupes users into sending ether to the attacker’s wallet and drains a computer’s processing power to power clandestine cryptocurrency mining.”

It is also hijacking information from cryptocurrency transactions taking place at Poloniex, HitBTC, Bitfinex, Ethfinex, binance and

This is not the first time we have seen FacexWorm. It first was released in August 2017 and was being used to gain access to the users Facebook account and operating system. Once someone clicked a link, it would inject code that would take over. It is making a comeback as of late April.

Thus far there has only been one affected bitcoin transaction. No value has been determined from the hack. Could you imagine if these hackers would get a real job! Just think how successful they would be!

Many of the FacexWorm extensions were removed from chrome. Facebook Messenger is also able to detect and block the links. It is kind of like if you try to post a dropox link in Facebook Messenger it won’t take it. The link is blocked and flagged!

All crypto mining extensions have been blocked from chrome as of early April.

Chrome banned cryptocurrency mining extensions from its Web Store in early April.

AboveCrypto Team

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